Wednesday 7 August 2013

An Introduction~

Hola, lovelies!

For a while now, I've had a profound urge to start a proper blog. None of this Tumblr, let's-repost-pictures-of-Sherlock-and-claim-we're-blogging business (though I'd be lying if I said I haven't spent many an evening scrolling through the Doctor Who fandom pages). The dilemma at hand was finding a "theme" - be it beauty, fashion, art, music - but nothing seemed to jump out at me. Eventually I concluded that the best approach would be to create a blog, make it pretty, and then just start writing and see what I can come up with. So - here goes!

I think an appropriate way to kick-start my fabulous new blog would be to introduce myself properly. 
My name is Rosie, but you can definitely call me Ro. I love being called Ro. 
I'm seventeen years old and in my sixth and final year of high school. When I leave, I'd like to study psychology. After that I am 100% lost and confused and terrified about the future. Fun.  I'm very much in love with fairy lights, books, scented candles, flowers, perfume, Blondie, the 60s, vintage clothes, beauty products, Doctor Who, beaches, pomegranate tea, glitter, cats and Christmas. The Secret Garden is the best film ever made and I could watch it every day for the rest of my life. Included in my most prized and precious possessions are my Blondie ticket from their Blast Off gig on the 1st of July 2013 (Debbie's 68th, might I add - how many of you can say you sang happy birthday to Ms Harry herself?) and a lovely Charlie Bear named Betty my mum bought me during a trip to Cornwall, one of my very favourite places. I can be sarcastic and dry but that's really just my way of showing my love. 

So, my lovelies, I'm pretty chuffed to have finished my first blog post, however small it may be, and I hope you've enjoyed getting to know me better. Do come back soon to find out what kind I've rubbish I'll write next, and drop me a comment to let me know your thoughts! xxx

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