Wednesday 4 September 2013

Health Food Obsession~

Hey everyone!

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I've been pretty busy with school starting, and other exciting things - including my first day at college! I only go twice a week to do psychology, and I'm still at school every day - so maybe not that exciting. But I'm loving the course; actually, I'm loving my last ever school year in general. Perhaps too much - is it okay to be scouring Etsy for vintage prom dresses ten months in advance?!

Anyway, the thing I really wanted to talk about was a new discovery of mine. For the past couple of months I've been trying to live a healthier lifestyle. I'm now going for a jog on my local cycle track three or four days a week, drinking my weight in water, getting at least 8 hours sleep a night - but all this seemed to be in vain. I've never been one for eating my vegetables - the idea of "healthy" food repulsed me. It didn't really help that the healthiest thing my mum buys in is a jumbo carton of Tropicana Orange. I wasn't eating right. I don't blame it all on my mum, obviously. I just had terrible, terrible eating habits.

But here's the good news! I've found a solution. When I was younger (and stupider)  I used to trawl through diet website after diet website trying to find some miracle cure for my extra flab. No luck, obviously - fad diets are a BAD idea, ladies - but I did gain something useful from it. I remember bookmarking this health food website, with no real intention to use it at the time, so when I tried to plan my "new lifestyle" it came into my head and I decided to have another look.

Healthy Supplies sells nutritious, low-calorie foods, drinks, snacks, baking ingredients and more for competitive prices, with excellent customer service. It's great if you want real, proper healthy food that you can trust. I love it!

I've been snacking on freeze-dried strawberries, pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts for months now instead of my previous chocolate fix, and already I feel so much better!

My delivery usually arrives within 3 days, but try to order earlier in the day to get a fast response.

Thanks for reading lovelies, be healthy and happy!

Rosie xxx

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